Where's the Evidence?
A Challenge to Psychiatric Authority
In the summer of 2003, six activists took on the psychiatric establishment in a month of protest activities in Pasadena, California. They challenged the American Psychiatric Association, the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill and the Office of the US Surgeon General to present scientific evidence of the biological basis of menial illness and the effectiveness of psychoactive drugs in its treatment. To dramatize their challenge, they participated in a threeweek fast, sponsored a panel discussion by supportive scientists and engaged in multiple media contacts. They never received a satisfactory response to their challenge. This is their story.
IN MEMORIAM: Beverly Jones. the co-producer of this video, died June 15, 2019, deeply mourned by all who knew her.

WE THE UNDERSIGNED WILL REFUSE ALL SOLID FOOD for as indefinite period of time as we await our challenge to be met by the following:
1. American Psychiatric Association (APA)
2. National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI)
3. The Surgeon General
WE ASK THAT YOU PRODUCE scientifically-valid evidence for the following, or you publicly admit to media, government officials and the general public that you are unable to do so.
1. EVIDENCE THAT CLEARLY ESTABLISHES the validity of “schizophrenia,” “depression” or other “major mental illnesses” as biologically-based brain diseases.
2. EVIDENCE FOR A PHYSICAL DIAGNOSTIC EXAM – such as a scan or test of the brain, blood, urine, genes, etc. – that can reliably distinguish individuals with these diagnoses prior to treatment with psychiatric drugs), from individuals without these diagnoses.
3. EVIDENCE FOR A BASE-LINE STANDARD of a neurochemically-balanced “normal” personality, against which a neurochemical “imbalance” can