Dr. Bourgois: Global Health + Social Medicine Grand Rounds

January 25, 2021

We are pleased to invite you to the next lecture in the UCLA Global Health and Social Medicine Grand Round Series. The DGSOM Global Health Program (GHP) and Center for Social Medicine and Humanities are partnering to host a recurring lecture series during the 2020/2021 academic year. The goal of this Grand Round Series is to bring together individuals with diverse sets of experiences and areas of expertise to help DGSOM trainees and the larger community, within and beyond UCLA, confront health disparities both locally and globally, and to delve deeper into the social determinants of global health equity.

Our next Grand Rounds lecture is on January 25, 2021 from 5-6pm PST via Zoom, featuring Philippe Bourgois, PhD. Dr. Bourgois is a Professor of Anthropology in UCLA’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and co-directs the DGSOM Center for Social Medicine and Humanities. Dr. Bourgois will speak about the devastating health effects of US colonialism among middle school-aged children in Philadelphia’s Puerto Rican inner-city, and some of the institutional mechanisms driving negative health outcomes in this population.

Please see attached for the calendar invite, and below for the Zoom information and flyer.

Zoom link: https://uclahs.zoom.us/j/91055115190?pwd=MjNpNmRFWGVnUTRNMFg4TXNlOS8zQT09

Passcode: GHPSMGR

We hope to see you on January 25th!

January 25, 2021