Upcoming Events

Grand Rounds semiars, webinars, PsychoAnnals events, etc. Get involved and learn with us!

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Featured Upcoming Events

01/25/2021: Structural Vulnerability to Poor Health: Puerto Ricans in the U.S Inner-City Colonial Diaspora

Our Center Director Dr. Philippe Bourgois will present: "Structural Vulnerability to Poor Health: Puerto Ricans in the U.S Inner-City Colonial Diaspora." Monday, January 25th, 2021 at 5pm.

01/29/2021: The Poverty Industry: The Exploitation of America’s Most Vulnerable Citizens

Daniel L. Hatcher, JD, Professor of Law, University of Baltimore will present: "The Poverty Industry: The Exploitation of America’s Most Vulnerable Citizens." Friday, January 29th, 2021, at 12:30pm.

Past Events

“They Hate Me Now, But Where Was Everyone When I Needed Them?”

Dr Beth Kita will present “They Hate Me Now, But Where Was Everyone When I Needed Them?” Mass Incarceration Through A Psychoanalytic Lens, at 12:30 pm on Friday, October 16, 2020.